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It follows the same path in the inventory like you would read a book. Indexes 36 through 39 refer to the armor slots. Though you can set armor with this method using these indexes, you are encouraged to use the provided methods for those slots. Inventory invGUI = Bukkit.createInventory(null, 27, 'Custom Inventory'). (1 through 20 I believe) with each number assigned to the slot number (0-8, 17, 26-18,9. While there are clearly a large number of online real money casinos to choose from, each casino has their own stable of available games. You may be Bukkit Inventory Slot Ids looking for a casino that is Bukkit Inventory Slot Ids heavier on the Bukkit Inventory Slot Ids side of slots titles, in which case you will find these real money sites Bukkit Inventory Slot Ids to your liking. Finds all slots in the inventory containing any ItemStacks with the given ItemStack. This will only match slots if both the type and the amount of the stack match The HashMap contains entries where, the key is the slot index, and the value is the ItemStack in that slot.

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
      intclear(int id, int data)
      Get all ItemStacks from the armor slots
      Return the ItemStack from the chestplate slot
      Return the ItemStack from the helmet slot
      Gets the block or entity belonging to the open inventory
      Return the ItemStack from the leg slot
      voidsetArmorContents(ItemStack[] items)
      voidsetBoots(ItemStack boots)
      Put the given ItemStack into the boots slot.
      voidsetChestplate(ItemStack chestplate)
      voidsetHeldItemSlot(int slot)
      Set the slot number of the currently held item.
      voidsetHelmet(ItemStack helmet)
      voidsetItemInHand(ItemStack stack)
      Sets the item in hand
      voidsetLeggings(ItemStack leggings)
      • Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory

        addItem, all, all, all, clear, clear, contains, contains, contains, contains, contains, contains, containsAtLeast, first, first, first, firstEmpty, getContents, getItem, getMaxStackSize, getName, getSize, getTitle, getType, getViewers, iterator, iterator, remove, remove, remove, removeItem, setContents, setItem, setMaxStackSize
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Bukkit Inventory Slot Numbers Youtube

  • Class

Class InventoryClickEvent


Bukkit Inventory Slot Numbers 2020

          • org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
Bukkit Inventory Slot Numbers
  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    CraftItemEvent, InventoryCreativeEvent
    This event is called when a player clicks a slot in an inventory.

    Because InventoryClickEvent occurs within a modification of the Inventory, not all Inventory related methods are safe to use.

    The following should never be invoked by an EventHandler for InventoryClickEvent using the HumanEntity or InventoryView associated with this event:

    To invoke one of these methods, schedule a task using BukkitScheduler.runTask(Plugin, Runnable), which will run the task on the next tick. Also be aware that this is not an exhaustive list, and other methods could potentially create issues as well.

    Assuming the EntityHuman associated with this event is an instance of a Player, manipulating the MaxStackSize or contents of an Inventory will require an Invocation of Player.updateInventory().

    Modifications to slots that are modified by the results of this InventoryClickEvent can be overwritten. To change these slots, this event should be cancelled and all desired changes to the inventory applied. Alternatively, scheduling a task using BukkitScheduler.runTask( Plugin, Runnable), which would execute the task on the next tick, would work as well.

    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryEvent

    • Constructor Summary

      InventoryClickEvent​(InventoryView view, InventoryType.SlotType type, int slot, ClickType click, InventoryAction action)
      InventoryClickEvent​(InventoryView view, InventoryType.SlotType type, int slot, ClickType click, InventoryAction action, int key)
    • Method Summary

      All MethodsStatic MethodsInstance MethodsConcrete MethodsDeprecated Methods
      Modifier and TypeMethodDescription
      Gets the InventoryAction that triggered this event.
      Gets the inventory that was clicked, or null if outside of window
      Gets the current ItemStack on the cursor.
      static HandlerListgetHandlerList()
      If the ClickType is NUMBER_KEY, this method will return the index of the pressed key (0-8).
      The raw slot number clicked, ready for passing to #getItem(int) This slot number is unique for the view.
      The slot number that was clicked, ready for passing to Inventory.getItem(int).
      Gets whether or not the ClickType for this event represents a left click.
      Gets whether or not the ClickType for this event represents a right click.
      Gets whether the ClickType for this event indicates that the key was pressed down when the click was made.
      voidsetCurrentItem​(ItemStack stack)
      voidsetCursor​(ItemStack stack)
      This changes the ItemStack in their hand before any calculations are applied to the Inventory, which has a tendency to create inconsistencies between the Player and the server, and to make unexpected changes in the behavior of the clicked Inventory.
      • Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.event.Event

        callEvent, getEventName, isAsynchronous
      • Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryEvent

        getInventory, getView, getViewers
      • Methods inherited from class org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryInteractEvent

        getResult, getWhoClicked, isCancelled, setCancelled, setResult
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • InventoryClickEvent

      • InventoryClickEvent

    • Method Detail

      • getClickedInventory

        Gets the inventory that was clicked, or null if outside of window
        The clicked inventory
      • getSlotType

        the slot type
      • getCursor

        Gets the current ItemStack on the cursor.
        the cursor ItemStack
      • getCurrentItem

        the item in the clicked
      • isRightClick

        Gets whether or not the ClickType for this event represents a right click.
        true if the ClickType uses the right mouse button.
        See Also:
      • isLeftClick

        Gets whether or not the ClickType for this event represents a left click.
        true if the ClickType uses the left mouse button.
        See Also:
      • isShiftClick

        Gets whether the ClickType for this event indicates that the key was pressed down when the click was made.
        true if the ClickType uses Shift or Ctrl.
        See Also:
      • setCursor

        This changes the ItemStack in their hand before any calculations are applied to the Inventory, which has a tendency to create inconsistencies between the Player and the server, and to make unexpected changes in the behavior of the clicked Inventory.
        stack - the new cursor item
      • setCurrentItem

        Sets the ItemStack currently in the clicked slot.
        stack - the item to be placed in the current slot
      • getSlot

        The slot number that was clicked, ready for passing to Inventory.getItem(int). Note that there may be two slots with the same slot number, since a view links two different inventories.
        The slot number.
      • getRawSlot

        The raw slot number clicked, ready for passing to #getItem(int) This slot number is unique for the view.
        the slot number
      • getHotbarButton

        If the ClickType is NUMBER_KEY, this method will return the index of the pressed key (0-8).
        the number on the key minus 1 (range 0-8); or -1 if not a NUMBER_KEY action
      • getAction

        Gets the InventoryAction that triggered this event.

        This action cannot be changed, and represents what the normal outcome of the event will be. To change the behavior of this InventoryClickEvent, changes must be manually applied.

        the InventoryAction that triggered this event.
      • getClick

        Gets the ClickType for this event.

        This is insulated against changes to the inventory by other plugins.

        the type of inventory click
      • getHandlers

        getHandlers in class InventoryEvent
      • getHandlerList

  • Class
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  • Summary:
  • Nested
  • Field
  • Constr

Bukkit Inventory Slot Numbers List

  • Detail:
  • Field
  • Constr

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